Its only later that the mask drops. Thanks for helping to keep this sub a safe. Rub his back, suck him off, make him feel like your king. He was using the boards to catch oil from his BMW. Thanks for contributing people. Undead Chronic, Ribby the Party Frog, are grifters trying to scam and turn vulnerable males into incel extremists. It is very effective. For the longest of time, I don’t think I have read anyone’s take on Justin Waller. The red pill preys on autistic people who don't know how to relate to others. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. The rules of Ex-Red Pill are heavily enforced. ago. ” In short, “redpilled” men believe they have been. And in another video that's same woman was recording him to fille a claim with HOA with him leaving boards in the driveway. In dating having a vagina is a magic wand. That is the purpose of the community. dottywine • 1 yr. Generally speaking, these red-pill people only have a surface level of understanding, and their interpretations lack any sort of nuance. REDPILL IRL BRO. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. Reclaiming Manhood: Detoxifying Masculinity, by Dr. All you hear now is how “masculinity “ is toxic. Their descriptions tend to center around developing some kind of dark, mysterious aura or swag, becoming muscular, attracting and dominating everyone by your mere presence, being anti-monogamous, embracing selfishness, etc. It is wonderful to be a healthy man who takes care of himself, is fit and with good style and goes out to. 48 votes, 70 comments. Most view it as black and white. AutoModerator • 7 mo. Yes, red pill is about results, but its also about getting them without ever huring their feelings in any way. One of the best ways to do it would be to change your YouTube account to a new one and build up a new recommendations profile that doesn't give you black pilled videos. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the. Its only later that the mask drops. It’s basically your access to love and affection from men is solely determined by your looks. Literally people competing for their attention and stuff. It's disguised and playful humour or banter but look at what is being communicated. The real failure of TRP is to focus almost exclusively on sex. The reason why you DONT GET LAID, is because you DO NOT APPROACH WOMEN. Misogyny indicates deeper issues and that's a fact. 1. Read the ideas, read people, develop that muscle more and more, but don't drink the koolaide. As to Christian texts to support this, I see Ephesians 5 thrown around alot, which calls for wives to submit to their husbands. 16. Is this your own idea or have you read this somewhere. It's like a punishment for being a good husband. Even Manuel Uribe (famous for being the fattest man in the world) had a girlfriend and so did guys like Sean Stephson. i decided to look back on this sub bc i used to post here a lot actually pretty much exactly a year ago. This post is. I don't expect too much and I don't like his theory of social status being the main force behind attraction (sounds like somethieng influenced by alpha male pseudoscience bullshit) but it's good to know he has some valuable posts without too much bullshit. If you pay attention, you'll see many similar channels. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. 1 comment Add a Comment AutoModerator • 6 min. I tried so hard to be an alpha and be aloof that I made an amazing girl feel neglected and she ended it. It was very attractive to me because he doesn't sound bitter about women at the same time he asks men to take responsibility and gives actionable advice. The best thing would be to always focus on bettering yourself and work towards self-improvement. Then they run back to their "cOmMuNtIeS oF kInGs" to ask why women. I feel these channels are the embodiment of the patriarchal effects that the patriarchy has on men and I am sad that more and more young men. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. Depends what “high value” actually means. 16. Yes, any woman that defines the value of a man based on his bank account is of low value in the morals department. We dated only for a short while and broke up a few months ago. For former redpillers and others who recognize the damage. I was wondering what your thoughts are on it? #1 Red Pill Ideology: Lifting the Shiny Wrapping from the Manosphere 5 /r/exredpill comments local_offer Check price #2 No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life 2 /r/exredpill comments local_offer Check price #3 Mate: Become the Man Women Want 2 /r/exredpill comments local_offer Check price #4 Private and more covert ways have been used, but when you're actually telling the truth, Reddit backs you up. Its better to be a normal balanced person who can be a little "bad" sometimes when its needed. So I watched hundreds of his videos and read his book more than six times, following his. Its better to be a normal balanced person who can be a little "bad" sometimes when its needed. Look, if you want to perpectually accept that you'll never get laid because "bone structure" and. For former redpillers and others who recognize the damage caused by redpill. Insecure and gunshy about my penis size. Saying women want a dominant man is like saying men want a physically fit woman. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. Toxic masculinity fights for oneself, while positive masculinity fights to defend the greater good. At its core, red pill ideologies are very twisted takes on traditional religious concepts. My honest answer would be "A mix of all of the above" and also "whatever works for you". I don't have any stats or anything to back this up, but from my observations it seems as though the Blackpill is slowly overtaking the Red pill, which is worrying to say the least given that Blackpill is a more extreme version of the Red pill and has led to violence on more than one occasion. What are examples of redpill PUA tactics women need to be aware of so to avoid? The rules of Ex-Red Pill are heavily enforced. I think this gives credibility to the red pill because it shows that this girl had no problem exercising her sexual options until. The irony is that all men had to do to get a girlfriend was to have some self-respect and boundries in the first place. For me, the Red Pill had never been about hating women, or hating society, or PUA. It's at best, not worth my time. Go to exredpill r/exredpill. Go to exredpill r/exredpill. ago. You can't change him, and you won't change him; he has to want to change himself. whenever I talk to a lot of girls in my community they have this weird look of my face as if they're tired out with the guys they're with and these guys usually fit the bill of the bad guy or bad boy. This book gets referred to a lot on TRP, checked it out on goodreads and it has a rating of 4. 29 comments Add a Comment AutoModerator • 1 yr. Naus1987 • 1 yr. They find a video of a random woman doing something or saying something, then they cut the video, and use a goofy avatar to say something completely unrelated to the video, by saying. They want the results without the hardship. They're great for training yourself, remaining strong, present and masculine and overall developing healthy skills for life. So, you’ll have a mixed bag. Sounds like the female black pill. Redpill ruined the perfect relationship. 1. . I can. General trends. Learn about the above personality traits, so then you can see if they are reflected. Toxicity isn’t a gender specific thing—it’s an everyone thing. ago. It explains why men think and act in angry and controlling ways and I think could provide valuable perspective of how that affects the other person in. The Red Pill Community in a Nutshell. Look. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. The redpill primal idiology is to be the best of oneself as oneself were yesterday, thats for singles, but with couples need to take a common objective and reach it together as a. ago. Private and more covert ways have been used, but when you're actually telling the truth, Reddit backs you up. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. However, one guy I dated shit tested me with the old classic "I Forgot My Wallet Can You Pay For Lunch" trick and I told him to go get his wallet. Its only later that the mask drops. I personally feel like most of the hate stems from the jealously that some misogynistic men have towards these OnlyFans women. Just Pearly things is one of the biggest red pill channels. The latter two are plainly annoying and ridden with Napoleon syndrome. ago. Ex-Red Pill Guru doing a 180 (and how it almost killed my marriage) let's get this out of the way first: No, this is NOT to sell any of my stuff. This is really toxic man. This is my first time in this sub. Eventually, these caught the attention of the message board "4chan" and various incel websites and, finally Reddit, on the "cringe" subreddit. If it's useful, think about him as an addict and you as a source of his gear. Many of those women are extremely toxic. 1. To put it lightly, it was (and unfortunately still is) a horrible experience for me. This is also why so much redpill focuses on changing yourself, rather than self love/acceptance, cause they belive they wont get sex/love unless they are someone else. When big tech companies allow those men to PROFIT of misogyny, they are not only giving them a platform to spread their toxic narrative but also giving misogyny power to keep on thriving. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. There's no such thing as "loving women for their nature" when you believe the version TRP makes of them. 35. In TRP there's this common concept named AWALT which roughly translates to "All women are like that". Yes there are a small amount of dudes who have naturally good looks and earn good money and run through a lot of dumb young women, but the rest are guys that are either on the slide down into black pill inceldom or are guys like your friend that are just. So we see these clowns who think and act like they're hotshit. " Truthteller1995 • 6 mo. One thing I noticed about people who follow the Red Pill, especially channels YouTube, is that they stay in the community for around 2 years before leaving completely. To answer your question, in terms of statistics most of what they say is true, but they generalize and oversimplify human psychology to the point its laughable. There not being the ONE isn't exclusive to redpill. The rules of Ex-Red Pill are heavily enforced. ) You still. 33. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. ago. The worst amongst these guys is indubitably Coach Red Pill. Men are victims of feminism. Its better to be a normal balanced person who can be a little "bad" sometimes when its needed. 2k members in the exredpill community. Some middle aged dipshit that thinks he's some sort of player. Search within r/exredpill. When I was 16, I used to be deep in the red pill rabbit hole which slowly made me bitter towards women and life in general and it almost made me into an incel. This was during quarantine. Redpill/Blackpill is a fraud. His view on women is completely based on analogical reasoning and a small sample size. Inareskai • 1 yr. The Red Pill tries to make you think those factors are irrelevant, but they're not. For ex-redpills: do you still keep up with any content creators in the Manosphere ? Like most former red pills, a lot of us start to see through a lot of the Manosphere’s BS. Its only later that the mask drops. Generally speaking, these red-pill people only have a surface level of understanding, and their interpretations lack any sort of nuance. High-value means different things for different people depending on how they see relationships. This was before the "Redpill" era. No. Sneako is correct - content creation (regardless of what kind of content) is some of the best ways to make money. I came across this channel called JustPearlyThings, which is apperently run by woman who subscribes to red pill ideology and thinks men should be that way and has kind of similar podcast to FreshandFit. If it were in person and you could ask questions, maybe. According to Red Pill ideology, looks-money-status-game are the factors that determine a man's SMV while, according to Black Pill ideology, only looks determine a man's SMV. More frighteningly it could get me to internalize biases I don't want, perspectives that could erode my already fragile happiness. But if hypergamy happened every time, my mom and dad wouldn't have married and had me and my brother. The real reason these guys are more attractive is they tend to be more fun, assertive, and focus more on attraction. For me, the red pill is a counter to femininity. I mean, I think tradition is bad. Pain makes people angry. Its better to be a normal balanced person who can be a little "bad" sometimes when its needed. My best guess is that you intended a sarcastic tone only on the phrase "liberal paradise", but are sincere about the claim concerning "Orientalism" and TRP perception of women. You will forever be their slave and all your time on this planet, all your skills and gifts, everything you have, will be subjected to their whims. 466 votes, 44 comments. The pink pill in a nutshell has its origins from the femcel community. In my redpill phase I would morally grandstand to a cringy level regarding the topic, but I feel like I have a nuanced view of it now. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. Redpill for women, if I. 10 votes, 51 comments. Tails, women lose. One of the key beliefs of red pill is that older women are undesirable and will find it difficult if not impossible to find partners whilst men become more desirable as they get older. Also talk to him. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this sub and the rules on the sidebar to avoid your post/comments from being removed and/or having your account banned. I am being sincere however because my viewpoint is a 180 to this sub Reddit I understand it can come across as a troll post. Its better to be a normal balanced person who can be a little "bad" sometimes when its needed. For me, the Red Pill has always been about my journey of continual self-betterment in all aspects of my life, solely due to the truths it brought me. But just how credible is it? It is pseudoscientific bs. Never had a woman as a friend. edit subscriptions. Ex-redpiller but still MGTOW? Close. With that said, some men are overly confident to the point where it becomes cockiness. This is not the way to be. The way the red pill ideology uses Hypergamy as a concept is not how it works in the real world. The majority do and by being physically fit, you will have a much larger dating pool available. Super suspicious of Rich Cooper. Purple pill is more like a “middle ground” for everyone to discuss these topics. What really matters is that if men can break toxic behaviors—then so can women.